Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Oh my God, I’m just like Pilate O_o

There are several places one can go with this. For instance:  I’m constantly putting Jesus on trial and demanding him to answer the “why’s” in my life; or, Even though I have the power to stop it, I really don’t wanna deal with the consequences of this hard decision… so I’ll leave it up to the ones who are obviously overreacting and wash my hands of it. Both things I have done. Multiple times.

The direction I’m heading is: I was just fine dealing with my halfhearted convictions until I ran into Jesus. In John 18:33-37, Jesus is before Pilate. Pilate is having a hard time understanding why it is that Jesus is not defending himself. “Why does this man not get that I can kill him or save his life?”

Where I am like Pilate: Because of all the things I have been learning I have tried to be inclusive and open minded, however when I encounter the conviction of Jesus I am left with the realization that I have become lost. I have let go of some truths.
The good part: But, good news! If Jesus’ conviction stops you in your tracks, you can turn and run the other way, back to the things you left. There are truths that we must find in God, and some no one else can find for you. But they are there. Do not give up. Some days I still am much like a dumbstruck Pilate. But hey, I’m not done growing yet.